Among a various cast of Swamp People, Bruce Mitchell is one of them. Let’s uncover facts about Bruce Mitchell’s death and also know about his Dog Tyler, His net worth, and married life with wife.
Did Bruce Die or Was It Just a Rumour?
Yes, one of the hit reality shows Swamp People star died, but it was not Bruce. Bruce is well, alive and kicking. The star that died was Bruce Mitchell hunting partner Tyler.

Tyler was Bruce’s dog; he died of heart failure at just thirteen years of age. He was diagnosed with a congestive heart three years ago.
Bruce from ‘Swamp People’ buried his beloved dog in the families yard, and he must be missing him a lot.
Swamp People Bruce Mitchelle’s Bio
Bruce Mitchelle was born on July 13, 1960, meaning that he turned 63 this year. He is the first born in a family of five, two brothers and two sisters. They grew up in Ponchatoula, Los Angeles in the United States.
Even though he helped look after his younger siblings, he was a prankster. He loved pulling pranks on them.
He hails from a tightly-knit family full of love. The family tries to get together as often as possible. Their get-togethers are always characterized by the memories of the pranks that Bruce used to pull on them. Of course, he still pulls some pranks up to date.
After getting married in 1980, Bruce Mitchell moved to their wife’s family farm, the Kliebert’s Alligator and Turtle Farm and started working there. He learned a lot about running and managing the farm from his father-in-law and took on more responsibilities.
He has run the business with his father-in-law for over 32 years. His wife was helping out with business paperwork. He has helped improve the farm in many aspects. However, he stopped running it due to his commitment to the reality show and his in-law’s family issues.

The A&E roached him on his farm and asked if they could cast a documentary that would air on the History Channel. Being his family’s favorite channel, how could he have turned them down? That is how he got connected to the Swamp People.
Bruce from ‘Swamp People’ and his wife Janet are blessed with two daughters. Lorraine Mitchelle was born in 1981 and Janice Marie born in 1984. They have two granddaughters Jillian Marie born in 2003 and Loriane Catherine born in 2010.
They are children of their firstborn daughter Lorraine. Bruce spends most of his free time with his grandchildren. He allows them to get away with almost everything.

Just like her mother, Lorraine also married her junior high sweetheart. She tied the knot in 2000. Janice Marie is a stay at home mum after ditching her banking career of eight years.
She helps her mother run her business (Bruce Mitchelle Production). Lorraine’s husband is a police officer.
Even though hunting alligators is a dangerous and scary thing since they can easily tear you apart and eat you up, Bruce hunts alone.
His only known companion was Tyler, his dog. After a kill, Bruce would treat him to zebra cakes. Unfortunately, he passed away. On rare occasions, Bruce would be seen with other people on his hunting spree.
Sometimes he releases photos roasting the meat he got from the alligators he hunts.
A look at his life
Bruce’s hobbies are hunting, camping, motorcycling, and fishing. He also loves collecting guns and knives.
His day begins at 3.00 AM when he wakes up, eats his oat breakfast, he also takes lots of coffee, packs water to rehydrate himself since it is too hot and heads to the waters to hunt.
Much is not known about his background since he concealed it well. The only thing that is well known is his hunting career.
Although he doesn’t have full rights to the alligator farm, he has helped improve it to where it is today.
What’s His Net Worth?
He owns the alligator farm, even though he doesn’t have full rights to it. He is believed to be the only person on the farm who can feed the alligators by hand, fantastic; how he got the alligators to trust him, we don’t know.

The firm used to be private until 1984 when it was opened up to the public, and people started touring the farm. Swamp People Bruce Mitchell’s net worth is $400,000.
Bruce Mitchelle from ‘Swamp People’ is Married To Wife Jane Kliebert.
Bruce Mitchelle is a married man. He is married to one Janet Kliebert whom he met way back in junior high, (you might remember her name from the Kliebert’S alligator and turtle farm) they liked each other and fell in love. Their love grew and blossomed into marriage.

The duo tied the knot in 1980 when Bruce was only 20 years. After marrying Janet, he moved to their firm, Kliebert Alligator and Turtle Farm, and started working there.
After moving to the farm, his father-in-law taught him more aspects of the business that enabled him to take on more responsibilities.
They have run the business with his father-in-law for almost 32 years. His wife was helping out with paperwork and other small tasks.
Having been born in 1960, Bruce is 63 years old. Although he looks older from his physical appearance – all thanks to his shaggy, unkempt hair and beards.
With the latest study chimes and research by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) that was published in 2015, showed that well off men can live up to 82.5 years.
We still have some more years of having him on the reality series. Not unless he decides to drop the show something we both pray that he won’t do.
If you were to get another Tyler, please don’t feed the dog chocolate. It is poison to animals system. I was so in a panic when Tyler jumped out of the boat. I could have beat you Bruce with a alligator tail. I was so mad at you. I wouldn’t put no anal in that predicament or environment. Plus you scare me when you go out their cause between you and little Willie. You guys can be accident prone!!!!!!