Susan Aikens, famously known as Sue Aikens is a reality TV personality who is famously known for her popular TV series “Life Below Zero” on National Geography. The TV series shows the struggles that people live in remote areas of Alaska go through every day of their lives.
Currently, Aikens has a river camp where she hosts other hunters. She is very good at hunting and fishing.
Additionally, she does a whole lot more than ‘Life Below Zero,’ she is also a member of the other three television series. She is also very tough and can withstand anything nature has to offer- she is very bright.
She has been operating her river camp for more than ten years, and she is even not scared of bear attacks. Many of her fans and supporters believe she was in the army, but she has never been in the army.
Surviving in Alaska is not an easy thing. Sue has been through some serious accidents. She was attacked by a grizzly bear in 2007.
Aikens was hurt severely and took a week to heal, without any treatment. She managed to sew her arms and head. Before that, her limbs sprout out; she even managed to shoot the bear down.
awww thank you, she was amazing! I now have Lil Bawb. He is learning to fish in this pic hehehe!
— Sue Aikens (@SueAikens) March 18, 2017
This review highlights Sue Aikens husband, net worth, children, age, and share some details on the on the wiki bio.
Sue Aikens’ husband and married life
Sue has had a very hard upbringing. That is not all; she has also gone through a tragic event in the recent past. Additionally, she has been married three times; none of her marriage lasted long.
Both her first and second husband passed on and left her alone with nothing to do, and this left her devastated. The third Sue Aikens husband did not stay for long, and he instead dated a younger woman, instead of a tough and courageous woman like her.
Her Children.
Sue Aikens was married to her second husband for 17 years. Together they had two children who are now adults; one is 33 while another one is 38.
According to her Wiki bio, her children decided to live a normal life and lived from one state to another. However, most of her personal information is private.
Sue Aikens Net worth
Sue has been managing the Kavik River Camp for 15 years. The Arctic Circle is located 197 miles from the camp and a few kilometers from the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.
She started the camp in the middle of nowhere and made it successful within a short time. Most of her earnings come from the period between June and September, right before winter. The camp offers fishing and hunting trips plus aviation services such as selling gas.
For a gallon of gas, you pay more than $10. The accommodation fee at the camp is $350 a day and $4,500 for seven days. Space is insufficient and usually gets filled faster, actually on first come- first served basis.
Sue Aikens is reported to be worth a little more than $500,000. Most of his assets are invested in the Kivik River Camp. Also, she has invested heavily in a huge collection of firearms.
When the Life Below Zero crew heads to Kavik River Camp, they come with all their tents and set up their accommodations on the camp. Therefore, it is vivid that her camp is a serious business venture and a major source of income.
Her Wiki bio
Name | Sue Aikens |
Birthdate | 07/1/1963 (60-years) |
Ethnicity | White |
Source of Income | TV personality |
Net worth | $500,000 |
Annual Salary | $200,00 |
Sue my husband and I love your Programme and look forwand to it every Monday night on our TV Screen here in New Zealand
Mary and Glyn Williams