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Life Below Zero Cast Net Worth and salary 2023

The superheroes of the award-winning reality show ‘Life Below Zero’ are well known to all of us. Casting Susan Aikens, Agnes and Chip Hailstone, Andy and Kate Roker Bassich, Erik and Mary Mat Salitan and Glenn Villeneuve, the show has been nominated and has won the Primetime Creative Arts Emmy awards many times in different seasons.

Life below zero cast Salary & Net Worth

Life below zero is a documentary reality show of Alaska airing on National Geographic Channel and is a well-known award-winning show since 2013. Produced by BBC Worldwide, the show focuses on the lifestyles of the hunters in the remote areas of Alaska.

The net worth of these superheroes of the super show is worth to their hard work and is to be appreciated.

Sue Aikens Net worth and salary 2023

Sue Aiknes whose full name is Susan Aikens, the owner of Kivik River Camp and one of the heroes of the reality show has an estimated net worth of $500,000 and has a salary of $200,000 annually. Most of her income is expected to be spent on the equipment for the Kivik river camp.

Sue Aikins Net worth of 2018

Life below zero Agnes Hailstone

Mother of seven kids and a wonderful wife of Chip, truly a superhero Agnes Hailstone has an estimated net worth of over $125,000 and a salary of $25,000 annually.

Life below zero Agnes Hailstone Net worth salary 2018

Chip hailstone

The father of Hailstone kids and one of the heroes of the show Chip hailstone also has an estimated net worth of approximately $250,000, and his salary is estimated to be $45,000 annually. In other words, the Hailstone family has an estimated total of $200,000 in their bank.

Life below zero Chip hailstone Net worth salary 2018

Andy Bassich

Having an estimated approximately $250,000, Andy Bassich has probably left the show. His annual salary is estimated to be $100,000 annually.  Andy’s net worth along with Kate seems to be above $250,000 which is spent on his 37  dozen sled dogs.

Life below zero Andy Bassich Net worth salary 2018

Glenn Villeneuve 

One of the true superheroes of all, Glenn Villeneuve seems to have a net worth of $500,000 with an estimated salary of $200,000 annually.

This might be a less amount for Glenn, who has had a million dollar lifestyle before entering the show. But for a superhero like him, life is not estimated regarding money.

Kate Roker- Bassich

Kate Roker, who is also the wife of Andy Bassich (divorced in 2016) has an estimated net worth of $250,000 along with Andy with an estimated salary of $40,000 annually.

She spends this income on her survival school and the dog mushing school that she along with Andy runs.

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